vayakora zero waste eco desktop mouse mat

We have started a new crowd-funding campaign on indiegogo!

I thought I would give it a go because we would really like to ramp up the production of our eco mouse mats. And generally I am doing far better as a product designer than an artist, illustrator & graphic designer.😬

People tend to buy my products. Unfortunately, two days in, with no backers yet, so far it doesn’t appear to be doing all that well.😥

My network is very small and I have few friends that I can count on. I thought the whole idea of crowdfunding was to be able to generate a lot of hype and interest in something. If we have to rely on our pre-existing networks in order to kickstart a crowdfunding campaign, I’m kinda wondering “what’s the point?”😕

Here’s the link if you would like to share it around a bit:

The only contact/interest I’ve had thus far is other business people trying to sell their advertising + promotional services.🙄

(our kickstarter campaign starts in a few days; hopefully that will generate more interest and be more successful)

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